The Bayfield Carnegie Library is turning 120! We are celebrating with a January Jubilee. January 13th, 2024 5-7pm

Bayfield Carnegie Library in its youth!

Bayfield Carnegie Library will be hosting a special event in honor of the historical building’s 120th anniversary. The January Jubilee will be held on Saturday, January 13th, from 5-7 pm at the library in Bayfield. Tickets are $25 each, or two for $40. A limited number of tickets (100) are available, so purchasing in advance is recommended. Proceeds will benefit the ongoing needs of maintaining and restoring the building and adjacent grounds, including lamp posts, tuckpointing, and retaining wall.

The celebratory event includes live acoustic music; appetizers by Chef Lars; wine, beer, and alcohol-free beverages; a silent auction including items donated by local businesses; and interactive library-associated historical characters Andrew Carnegie, Henry Wildhagen, Winnie Robinson, Eleanor Knight, Carl Larson, and Hope Atkinson.

Tickets may be picked up at the library, 37 North Broad Street. Contact Library Director Teresa Weber at 715-779-3953 to find out about opportunities to help sponsor this event.